
2 months ago

Mountain Valley Academy Program

Mountain Valley Academy serves students in grades K-12 on the Ramona Community Campus. Independent study students in all grades may study exclusively at home or take advantage of the two day on-campus option. The program is provided by means of an independent study enrollment agreement, which is signed and entered into by both parents and students with the school district. This agreement places a significant responsibility on the family, but can be a very rewarding and successful experience for those who make the commitment.

Independent study is an alternative to classroom instruction with the educational goals and objectives of the district's adopted curriculum. Although independent study does not provide an alternative curriculum, assignments are written individually for each student and may include specialized or alternative goals and objectives for that student.

Enrollment agreements are written and signed at least once per semester for each student. Assignments for students are written at least monthly. The assignments are usually written in collaboration with parents, especially as parents become experienced at home study. Students who are new to the program or who have special circumstances may have assignments written weekly or bi-monthly. Throughout the week the student records his/her daily assignments and activities on a work log. The student's work, along with the log, is turned in weekly for the teacher to review.

Mountain Valley Academy provides a two day on-campus option. Depending on the grade level, students are provided with a Tuesday/Wednesday or a Wednesday/Thursday on-campus program for grades K-7.. Students are provided with art while on campus. Additionally, classroom teachers conduct activities such as science and math labs and literary discussions during the two days. Teachers also use this time to assess individual progress and give feedback to parents during conference time. Our 8th grade - 12th grade program times vary per the students scheduled academic courses.

The independent study teacher supports, evaluates and supervises the instruction which occurs at home. To do this, the teacher provides a wide range of services for parents and students. These include:

  • newsletters
  • individual tutoring or academic testing as needed
  • small group tutorials
  • workshops
  • parent training seminars
  • phone conferences
  • weekly or monthly appointments
  • check out of school and media center books and materials